The Star Wars FAQ

I’m going to save us all some time, because for the next week we’re playing Star Wars and it’s pretty unlikely you don’t already have an opinion on the matter. But, we do get a lot of questions when we play Star Wars, so here’s the rundown:

Which films?
A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and Rogue One.

Which Version?
The most recent remaster, which is extremely close to the Special Edition versions. We’d love to play both versions someday, but for now the re-mastered edition is the only one available for theatrical play.

Should I pre-purchase tickets?
It’s not a bad idea, but we try to run enough shows that they don’t sell out, so don’t assume you’re out of luck if you didn’t pre-buy.

I’m watching more than one film in a row, how does that work?
We’ll check you in at your first movie, and print all your tickets. After that you’re welcome to remain in the auditorium, or step out and stretch your legs between shows.

Why no show of Rogue One before A New Hope?
Rogue One was a late addition, and the schedule was already locked in for the other films in a way that didn’t allow for it. We play the original trilogy every year though, so next time we’ll include Rogue One from the start so the films can be watched by chronology or release date.

Why are you doing it wrong?
Ok. I should explain. We really like these films. We wouldn’t play them if we didn’t. But the Star Wars fanbase got a bit of a bad reputation over the last few years, and we certainly find ourselves on the receiving end of some toxicity every time we play them.

But the thing is, that’s just a small number of loud people on the internet. Once we open the doors tonight, all that will go away. We’ll just have a room full of people watching a movie they love, who are thrilled to share that movie with anyone and everyone. If you want to come, but are concerned about hostility or gatekeeping, please give it a shot. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Coming Soon…

When we revisited our favorite films from last year, there was one glaring omission: Barbie. Somehow that idea spiraled into an entire week of doll-related films we’re calling Playing with Dolls. The line-up includes Barbie, MAD GOD, Lars and the Real Girl, and Dollman, with showtimes running February 16-20.


Playing with Dolls


Playing Catch up