June 16 - 22



40 years ago, director George P. Cosmatos made a streak of great genre films, ranging from underseen thrillers to action blockbusters. 30 years later, his son Panos became an underground favorite for his dark, surreal films. For all their differences, both directors are accomplished visual stylists who revel in heightened realities, making them an excellent double bill.

In 2018, Panos Cosmatos unleashed the heavy metal nightmare that is Mandy. Mandy begins with a hypnotic, brooding calm that shatters midways through the film. What follows is an escalating cycle of violence, both horrific and blackly comic.

Friday (6/16) - 7:00
Sunday (6/18) - 9:00
Thursday (6/22) - 7:00

Of Unknown Origin is a psychological horror film where Peter Weller has a breakdown while hunting a rat. Honestly, that’s the whole film. It’s the kind of movie that shouldn’t work, but absolutely does, thanks to a great performance from Weller, and the relentless intensity brought by director George P. Cosmatos.

Friday (6/16) - 9:35

On 35mm

The early 90’s saw a resurgence of revisionist westerns, and Tombstone was largely lost in the shuffle. 30 years on, it has staying power so many of its contemporaries lacked. Like the best modern westerns, Tombstone is just as much about breaking down western myths as it is embracing them, but it does so with the stylistic flourishes and propulsive energy that George Cosmatos was so good at.

Saturday (6/17) - 7:00
Sunday (6/18) - 4:00
Tuesday (6/20) - 7:00

on 35mm

Considering both he and his fathers filmography, it may come as a surprise that Panos Cosmatos wasn’t allowed to watch horror films as a child. Nonetheless, he would browse the aisles of his local rental shop, looking at covers and imagining the films that might be contained within. Beyond the Black Rainbow emerged from these memories, a hypnotic re-imagining of horror films that never existed.

Saturday (6/17) - 10:00
Monday (6/19) - 7:00

On paper, you’ve seen plenty of movies like Cobra. Sylvester Stallone plays Cobretti, a tough-guy cop on the hunt for a serial killer. But Cobra is something different. Everything is drenched in style and heightened to the point of near parody (and in a few cases, actual parody), allowing George P. Cosmatos to put his personal stamp on a well-trod genre.

Sunday (6/18) - 7:00
Wednesday (6/21) - 7:00

Schedule by Day

Friday (6/16)
Mandy - 7:00
Of Unknown Origin - 9:35

Saturday (6/17)
Tombstone (35mm) - 7:00
Beyond the Black Rainbow (35mm) - 10:00

Sunday (6/18)
Tombstone (35mm) - 4:00
Cobra - 7:00
Mandy - 9:00

Monday (6/19)
Beyond the Black Rainbow (35mm) - 7:00

Tuesday (6/20)
Tombstone (35mm) - 7:00

Wednesday (6/21)
Cobra - 7:00

Thursday (6/22)
Mandy - 7:00